



Corpora conversion


Conversion of corpora is performed on development environment only and realized by the following tools:

  • Makefile
  • bash tools (awk, sed)
  • treex
  • python

Cluster setup

See detailed description of the cluster here:

SGE (Sun Cluster Engine) setup

Set up the SGE environment as written here

Disk space

For any conversion create separate directory in /net/cluster/TMP (automounted) or /net/cluster/SSD (automounted) as there is not enough space elsewhere for large corpora.
Be sure to clean up any files when the conversion is finished.


Install perlbrew on your local computer (your $HOME will be available on the cluster as well) as described here:
Install Treex from SVN as described here:, please note that most of the prerequisites is already provided by the perlbrew.

Conversion process

# SSH to the cluster:
ssh lrc1
# Use screen
# Create directory in /net/cluster/TMP e.g.:
mkdir -p /net/cluster/TMP/$USER/czeng_1.0
# Change the directory: 
cd /net/cluster/TMP/$USER/czeng_1.0
# Create output directory:
mkdir output
# Copy the input data files to the cluster:
scp -r remote_server:/some/remote/dir/czeng_1.0/input ./
# Copy the scripts to the cluster:
scp -r remote_server:/some/remote/dir/czeng_1.0/scripts ./
# Run the conversion:
cd scripts
# Wait until the job finishes
# ...
# Copy the output to the remote server
scp -r /net/cluster/TMP/$USER/czeng_1.0/output remote_server:/some/remote/dir/czeng_1.0/
# Clean up
rm -r /net/cluster/TMP/$USER/czeng_1.0
# Leave screen
# Logout

PDT to Manatee

Conversion of PDT was implemenented in perl as a Block for Treex (Treex::Block::Write::Manatee). This block converts documents in PDT to <doc> structures in vertical files for Manatee.

the following attributes are included in the output:

  • word
  • lemma
  • POS positional tags (16 characters)
  • afun

The structure of the output document is as follows:

<doc id="xyz">
<s id="1">
token    lemma    POS-tag    afun
token    lemma    POS-tag    afun
token    lemma    POS-tag    afun
<s id="2">
token    lemma    POS-tag    afun
token    lemma    POS-tag    afun
token    lemma    POS-tag    afun

Python script was developed to extract metadata from document ID's. Description of ID's structure is provided here:
but is incorrect and incomplete. This is corrected description of ther structure:


Code structure Name Comments
lnYYNNN Lidové noviny YY - last two digits of the year, NNN - issue number (day of the year excluding Sundays and public holidays)
lndYYNNN Lidové noviny YY - last two digits of the year, NNN - issue number (day of the year excluding Sundays and public holidays)
mfYYMMDD Mladá fronta Dnes YY - last two digits of the year, MM - month, DD - day of the month
cmprYYNN Českomoravský Profit YY - last two digits of the year, NN - issue number (week)
vesmYYNN Vesmír YY - last two digits of the year, NN - issue number (month)

Shell script was created to easily convert the whole set of PDT documents to a single corpus.

Treex to Manatee

Conversion of treex files was implemenented in perl as a Block for Treex (Treex::Block::Write::Manatee). This block converts documents in treex to <doc> structures in vertical files for Manatee.

Updated by Redmine Admin about 8 years ago · 1 revisions